Larry Culp

Ontario Provincial Police

Detective Constable Larry Culp became a member of the Ontario Provincial Police in 1998 and dedicated 15 years to uniform patrol in the Greater Toronto Area where he specialized in Technical Traffic Collision Investigations involving serious and fatal injuries. In 2013, he transitioned to the Investigation and Enforcement Bureau (IEB), which works with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) to regulate gaming, lottery, liquor, horse racing, and cannabis in the province.

Between 2013 and 2020, Larry worked at multiple Casino Resort locations throughout the Province of Ontario where he conducted criminal investigations targeting cheat at play, dealer collusion, fraud, loansharking and money laundering offences. In November 2020, Larry joined IEB’s Eligibility and Major Investigations Unit and was responsible for conducting due diligence background investigations on Gaming and Non-gaming Related Suppliers, iGaming Operators/ Manufacturers, and Executives at all operational levels.

In May 2023, Larry joined the Game Protection & Anti-Money Laundering Unit as a Gaming Specialist. His current responsibilities include game protection, monitoring gaming industry trends, providing investigative support to IEB members and policing partners by preparing opinion evidence reports in support of criminal prosecutions. As a Gaming Specialist, Larry also instructs the Ontario Provincial Police, Casino Investigations Course which is the only police-accredited course in North America.

BOLO 25 – The Briefing Room 

The Briefing Room is a new moderated round table session featuring representatives from gaming enforcement divisions across various jurisdictions. Each participant will be asked to give a short 15-minute presentation on gaming crime prosecutions, trends in their jurisdictions and general BOLO information.(Translation Services Available)

Ontario Provincial Police