Justin Arnett

VP Digital Gaming Potawatomi Casino

Justin Arnett is the Vice President of Digital Gaming with Potawatomi Casino Hotel in Milwaukee, working to ensure the Tribe is prepared in case mobile gaming comes to Wisconsin. Justin has 15 years of varied experience in sports betting ranging from retail operations, mobile development to risk room operations. Beginning his career as a ticket writer in Las Vegas, Justin moved into the risk room, manually trading ahead-of-their-time micro In-Play markets and then ultimately moving into Operations Management in both retail and mobile environments. He has opened 4 books from scratch in newly legal jurisdictions.

Practical Considerations When Opening and Operating a Sports Book
Sports betting is exploding across the world. If your casino is considering opening and operating a sports book what can you expect in today’s environment? In this group discussion, moderated by Thomas Maier, you will learn from key casino executives who have recently been through a successful sports book opening. The group will discuss what needs to be done to work together to establish a top-class operation from the perspective of operations, surveillance and financial auditing. The group will share lessons learned and best practices.


VP Digital Gaming Potawatomi Casino